
Hand-customised sneakers require your love and care! Please read the aftercare instructions below to ensure the best longevity of your custom sneakers.

All custom sneakers:

  • Keep away from harsh chemicals
  • Avoid long time heat exposure
  • Avoid wearing for running or sports

Painted sneakers:

  • Hand wash with lukewarm water and gentle soap and pat dry using a microfibre cloth
  • Scratch resistant (not scratch proof): paint can withstand minor scratches
  • If the laces area is painted, please be gentle when tightening the laces to avoid damage

Crystal rhinestones:

  • Hand wash with lukewarm water and gentle soap around the design using a cloth
  • Scratch resistant: design can withstand minor scratches
  • Waterproof: design can withstand rain and puddles

Heat vinyl transfer:

  • Hand wash with lukewarm water and gentle soap around the design using a cloth
  • Not scratch proof: design is susceptible to tearing if scratched
  • Not waterproof: please avoid wet grass, puddles and heavy rain.